Ep #8 Installing Kuntzleman Wing Tip Lights and Strobes on my Challenger 2 Ultralight

2 years ago

A rather long video, but it's all about cutting holes in my wings to install lights on the wing tips.

Link to the lights I installed on my wings. https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/pnpages/11-10687.php

- https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/elpages/ledcombosystem.php

Follow along as I rebuild, repair, and upgrade a Challenger 2 ultralight airplane. Ultimately I will be flying this airplane into the north country of Canada, on fishing and camping trips, as soon as she is ready to fly.

- Challenger 2 with a Rotax 503 Engine
- Puddle Jumper Amphibious Floats
- Kuntzleman Electronics LED anti-collision and strobe lights


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