JUST ARRIVED! Original AP Photo of “STEAM MAN” from 1981 News Article!

2 years ago

AREA 51 Video Tour Map© by UFO Seekers®:

Our team of UFO & Alien Investigators© are preserving the memory of "STEAM MAN" (Virgil Ramey) who lived at Steam Well in the Mojave Desert of California. We managed to get the ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH from a 1981 news article of Virgil Ramey seen in newspapers across the United States. The photograph was for an article that ran in the Oregonian in 1981. The photograph was snapped by the Associated Press June 30, 1981.

Our Video, "Speaking to Forgotten Steam Man": https://youtu.be/QwYVjn9I0JE

"Virgil was born March 25, 1915 in Ontario, California, USA; and died June 04, 1984 in Red Mountain, California, USA. Virgil is buried in Rand District Cemetery in Johannesburg, California." - https://www.weremember.com/virgil-ramey/7r8n/memories

Location of Steam Man's former home: 35.389015, -117.541059
Link to Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/35%C2%B023'20.5%22N+117%C2%B032'27.8%22W/@35.389015,-117.5416062,196m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xa39d87dcb269f75c!7e2!8m2!3d35.3890151!4d-117.5410587


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