Proof that Science Takes Great Care | In Population Regulation | Hungry Vultures

2 years ago

#Science #covid19
#vaccinetrials #depopulation
#pfizer #politicians #vultures

Proof that:
-Vaccines hit the market with ‘NO TRIALS’ & ‘SPEED OF SCIENCE’
- Were done on masse in order to guaranty successful trials
- Are done to take care of World Population

- Hyiena vídeo by: Roy Buri from Pixabay
-Vulture Videos by: Luiz Jorge de Miranda Neto- Luiz Jorge Artista from Pixabay
- Videographic ‘Black Screen’ by: Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay
- Mouse image by: Tibor Janosi Mozes from Pixabay
-Subscribe Extension is produced by: SavageGraphics from Pixabay
-Thumbanail is produces by: Image by Moondance from Pixabay

These videos are used for purposes of humour only under the ‘Fair Dealings’ of the Australian Legislations for the purpose of ‘Parody & Satire’; other countries have similar legislations.

Stay Humble, Happy, Healthy and Wealthy

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