Freeze Drying Your First 500 lbs of Food - Batch 22 - Milk (with extra ranting)

2 years ago

This batch comes with extra ranting about oxygen absorbers and Mylar bags.
Freeze dryer batch #22 - 10 lbs of Milk. Started freeze drying this batch June 4th.

First 500 lbs data spreadsheet link:
Batch worksheet link:

Want to support this work? Buy me a coffee :-)

Cost of the milk: $4.38 for 10 lbs
Total batch time: 45 hours 8 minutes
Weight before drying: 10 lbs, Weight after drying: 506 grams (about 1.1 lbs)
Power use: 31.43 kWh
Bagged into: 5 quart 7 mil Mylar bags with 300cc oxygen absorbers.

Starting your freeze dried food pantry. 100 Days: The first 50 batches - Freeze Drying Your First 500 lbs of Food
Start by asking yourself this question. Why are you freeze drying food? Knowing this should help you decide what you should freeze dry first.
I'm freeze drying because:
Just to freeze dry leftovers?
You want to make your own food for camping/backpacking?
For if/when the SHTF?
For a short term emergency?
You have your own garden and want to freeze dry the food?
You love Costco but don't have a family of 6?
You are good at finding the food sales but only have 1 freezer?
When you cook homemade chili just for yourself you make 10 gallons? Because you have 3 full freezers and are worried about power outages?

This list is about getting started on a 500 lb mixed pantry of freeze dried foods in 100 days.
(This may be a bit optimistic and perhaps it'll only be 400 lbs)
Goal of about 85 lbs per category. (100 lbs per category if we don't do the Meals/Dishes)
1) Meats:
2) Vegetables:
3) Fruits:
5) Grain / Starch
6) Meals / Dishes

Freeze-Drying 3rd Edition (I haven't read this one, but I would like to, Too much $)
by Peter Haseley, Georg-Wilhelm Oetjen

Foods and Food Production Encyclopedia (I have this set. I got a deal!)
by Douglas M. Considine, P.E.
Glenn D. Considine

A great/fun/interesting demonstration of gases going through balloons. Self Inflating Balloons?! ( Cody'sLab)

The barrier film breakdown

Barrier Properties of Polymers

Oxygen Transmission Rate

Oxygen and Water Vapour Barrier - Properties of Flexible Packaging Films

Food spoilage – Rancidity and food chemistry. September 14, 2017 Storing Food - chemical reactions, fats, food enzymes, preservation

Freeze dried food will stay fresh for many years and be ready and waiting when you need it.
We do videos showing how we are using our Harvest Right Freeze Dryer to freeze dry food for long term storage. (We have the medium size machine that we got in August of 2017) Freeze dried food is also great for prepping or just for camping and snacking!

If you are thinking of buying a freeze dryer, please consider supporting us by purchasing through our link. It helps us and costs you nothing!
We have the medium freeze dryer with the original vacuum pump.
Amazon affiliate links to some of the things we have been using; it helps us and costs you nothing.
• Escali Primo Kitchen Scale
• Etekcity Kitchen Scale11lb/5kg
• Power meter
• The New Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day:
• This is the scoop I "adjusted" (see video) for bagging​
• Silicone Square Cake Pan - Set of 2
• Teflon Tape for Impulse Sealers​
• Dial Thermometer -40 to 160 F 1-Inch
• Parchment paper - We usually get our at Costco, but they also have it on Amazon or​
• Corrugated Plastic Sheets we use in our freezer​
• Drill Bit 5/32" x 10" Extra Length
We are participants in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

For the 7 x 7 pans try the Dollar Store, that's where we got ours. (They were labeled 8 x 8 because they measure the top)

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