Fall Festival 2022 — Eighth Day — Hope for Humanity

2 years ago

Today is not the only day of salvation!
But those God has called, he has called for a purpose.
At the right time God will call and save all of humanity.
When Christ will return; the Kingdom of God will be setup on Earth, and then we will come to the Eighth Day, the Last Great Day, — Great White Throne Judgement. In light of this knowledge we need to know, What is God’s purpose in this Great Day? And , how do we actively wait and prepare for that time? Jeff recounts his personal story of interrogation, trial, and travels through the Iron Curtain in the land of darkness which was then communist Hungary and Romania. Then he links this to our role now that will impact the future of those who will be resurrected to life when the Last Great Day finds its fulfillment.

View more videos and articles to learn about God and his teachings from the 'sola scriptura' perspective.
It is God's spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.

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