Biblical Promises & Fulfilled Predictions ❤️ The Second Coming of Jesus... 3rd Testament Chapter 1-2

1 year ago

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The Third Testament Chapter 1 Part 2
Biblical Promises & Fulfilled Predictions

Biblical Promises

Thus saith the Lord:

40. In My manifestation through Jesus, I announced to you the coming of the Holy Spirit and men thought that it pertained to a Divinity, who being in God, was not known by them, not realizing that while speaking of the Holy Spirit, I was speaking about the only God, who was preparing the time in which He would communicate spiritually with men through a human faculty.

41. Why should anyone be surprised at My new revelations? Truly I say to you that the patriarchs of ancient times already had knowledge of the coming of this Era and seers of other periods beheld it and the prophets announced it. It was a Divine promise made to men, a long time before I, as Jesus, came to the world.

42. When I announced to My disciples My new coming and allowed them to foresee the way in which I would manifest Myself to men, a long time had passed since that promise was made.

43. Here you have that period unfolding before you, here you have those prophecies being fulfilled. Who would be surprised? Only those who have slumbered in darkness (in ignorance or confusion) or the ones who have erased My promises from themselves.

44. I knew how little you would fathom My teachings, and the errors which you would make interpreting My revelations, I announced to you My return, saying that I would send the Spirit of Truth to clarify many Mysteries and explain to you that which you had not understood.

45. Because, in the most profound of My prophetic words, I led you to understand that this time I would not come in lightning and thunder, as in Sinai; nor make Myself a man, putting My love and words in human form, as in the Second Era; but would come to your spirit in the splendor of My wisdom, surprising your mind with the light of inspiration and calling at the doors of your heart in a voice that your spirit understands. Those predictions and promises are those which are now being fulfilled.

46. It is sufficient for you to prepare yourselves a little to look upon My light and feel the presence of My Spirit, the same one that proclaimed that it would come to teach you, and unveil to you the truth.

47. There are many who have not evolved due to fear or to a lack of study. They still practice the law of Moses without acknowledging the coming of the Messiah; others, believing in Jesus, have disregarded the arrival of the Holy Spirit as foretold. I have come for the third time yet many do not await Me.

48. The angels announced My arrival and their voices were heard throughout the heavens. Did you not hear them? The spiritual world has come to offer you testimony of My presence. All the prophecies will be fulfilled, the disasters that are now occurring on earth will overcome the pride and vanity of man. Once man becomes humble, He will then seek Me, calling Me Father. Love Me, and thus you will acknowledge Me. A prayer for world peace will then emerge from your heart. I love all My children. Once they evolve spiritually and return to Me, I will make a covenant with men and there will be great joy with the Father and His children.

49. So I said to you in that time: What I have told you is not all that I have to teach you. For you to know all, first I must go away in order to send to you the Spirit of Truth, to make clear what I have said, and what I have done. I promised to you the Comforter in the times of trial. And that Comforter, that Explainer, is I Myself returning to illuminate you and help you to understand the past lessons as well as this new one that I bring you now.

50. In wisdom is the balsam and solace that your heart longs for; it is for this I promised you at that time that the Spirit of Truth as the Comforting Spirit.


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