Aug 3, 2004 🎺 Parable of the Endtimes... Only America & Israel will return to Me

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Parable of the Endtimes… Only America & Israel will return to Me

August 3, 2004 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord… The fig tree leaves are dropping; the time of My return, My coming and My choosing draws near. Timothy, picture a fig tree in your mind. How do you see it?

[Timothy] I see it in fall, as the leaves are drying up and falling to the ground.

My son, the leaves of the tree represent two separate aspects of the end of days. As the sand of the hourglass, so are the leaves. As the nations fall away from Me, so also do the leaves fall from the light to the ground, fall and wither; so too will the nations.

The time of My return is when I return for My Bride and Church.

The time of My coming is when I come in power and great glory, and every eye shall see Me.

The time of My choosing is when I take My judgment seat.

At sunset, yet one more nation has fallen from Me, far from Me have they fallen. The nations are eight and eighty; eight have fallen, eighty will fall before The Son’s return.

Of these nations, two will return and stay true before My coming… The country in which you live (America) and the nation of Israel, says The Lord.

Listen to your wife, for she has the wisdom, wisdom for reaching farther and deeper than she knows… A gift from God is the wisdom she owns.

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