The People's Video Notice to the Supreme Court and Jim Jordan

2 years ago

This is a Video Notice regarding Legislative Tribunals that are taking children from parents without a guaranteed right of a trial by jury. All done because they are gaining profit off of the process. This Notice is to the Supreme Court and Jim Jordan asking them to speak out regarding this violation of parents rights and to protect the children. To participate, please click this link, fill out your information and hit submit. The notice will be emailed to the Supreme Court and Jim Jordan in Congress. (Updated: This Notice link is no longer active)

I did not write this Notice but it is used with permission.

This Notice has received media attention at

A Notice is not a petition as the article incorrectly states. A petition is from one within a lower position of authority to one with a higher level of authority. A Notice informs, instructs, gives direction, correction or formal warning. This Notice states the People's position within the highest authority (All Political Power) giving instruction to those in lower positions of authority (our government servants and trustees).

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