An Overview of the Rod of Iron freedom festival to save the Nation

2 years ago

Rod of Iron Freedom Festival draws vendors, politicians and singing of patriotic songs
The annual Rod of Iron Freedom Festival was held on October 7-10, at Kahr Arms in Greeley, drawing an abundance of vendors, many selling patriotically themed items.
Food stand offerings ranged from funnel cakes, sausage sandwiches, and ice cream to Asian cuisine--Chinese, Thai and Korean.

At other stands, politicians extolled their virtues as did campaign workers.

A group of Asian people, mostly Chinese and Thai, said that their lives were in jeopardy every day in China and that they were thrilled to be in America. They said that the word for America in their country means “beautiful country.”

Some Americans said they felt free at the festival, like they were in the America that they remember as children in the 1950s and early 1960s.

Joshua Leach was there talking about his programs for self-defense and how to react in an active shooter situation. Mike Leggiero talked about his programs involving wild edibles, natural medicine, outdoor skills and first aid. Keystone Arms owner Joe Manazza said that, in addition to selling guns, he can arrange for gunsmithing.

At one point, a mass singing of patriotic songs, like “America the Beautiful,” burst forth. There were fireworks and skydivers. The Kahr Arms shooting range was free to use. People could use their own weapons or shoot weapons provided by Kahr Arms.

By Kenneth Hubeny Sr. - Pyke County Courier

Also Pastore Sean Moon at the bonfire Prayer:

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