2 years ago

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Given all the real craziness going on around us, why not Bigfoot warning signs popping up in Pennsylvania wooded areas? Hell, it’s not like crazier things don’t happen in the Planet Looney Tunes world of politics on a regular basis — on both sides of the aisle. Buckle up, kids — here we go.

As reported by Not the Bee, park visitors have seen Bigfoot warning posters in wooded campgrounds in Pennsylvania since this summer claiming there have been recent “encounters” in the area and warning park visitors not to approach the mythical creature.

The posters advise park-goers to show “etiquette” and to be cautious. There’ve been sufficient numbers of posters and social media posts to lead the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to respond. Hence, Bigfootgate. You just know it’s Trump’s fault.

“These signs were not posted by DCNR,” agency spokesperson Wesley Robinson wrote in a statement to The Philadelphia Inquirer. He added, “Bigfoot is not real,” with a tongue-in-cheek disclaimer saying it was his opinion and not an official statement.

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