Mushroom ID??? Another Clitocybe?

2 years ago

So this is a good example of mushrooms that can be hard to ID, this mushroom more or less has all the same characteristics of the (What I think was a cluster clitocybe) but this mushroom is growing individually although there are a few of them likely fruiting off the same mycellial growth bed. This is something you would likely need to spore out of microscopically analyze to positively identify. While it may appear there is no ring or no veil I do not have a strong confidence in this mushroom, it has a good chance of having some level of toxic muscarine, but this is a perfect learning point to learn more about this family of clitocybe like mushrooms that frankly is probably not a basic subject matter. While I do have the ability to do endoscopic analysis this is something that would take likely atleast an overnight to get more info on like spore prints and microscopic analysis. Frankly this will likely be a very hard mushroom to ID but welcome to sugestions on a visual ID.

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