Belarusian President has ordered troops to deploy with Russian forces

2 years ago

Belarusian President has ordered troops to deploy with Russian forces

The Belarusian border, which lies 140 miles from Kyiv, was used as a launchpad for Putin's invasion of Ukraine in February.
On Saturday, the Russian foreign ministry said it would equip Belarusian Su-25 warplanes with the capability to carry nuclear-capable missiles but that it was not yet arming Minsk, the Belarusian capital, with the missiles.
With an army size of roughly 50,000, Belarus does not currently have any nuclear missiles of its own, and is not regarded as an effective military force by defence experts.
Latest reports from Moscow and Minsk officials say that Ukraine is now planning to invade Belarus.
This comes as Belarus ordered its troops to be tested for 'combat readiness'.
Dictator Alexander Lukashenko announced earlier this week that he would deploy a 'joint military task force' with Moscow - a move Minsk also claims is 'purely defensive'.
The combat readiness test, ordered by Lukashenko, was announced as the head of his secret service said he expected to see a 'turning point' in Vladimir Putin's invasion in the coming months.

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