God is done with Sunday church

2 years ago

The whole idea of a church building was never from God. No church building ever shows up in the Bible not even one time. Except for one space which was rented temporally and then abandoned. Churches only ever gathered in peoples private homes. Let’s be frank: Satan and Satanists have infiltrated the church is all the way up to the pastor and highest leadership positions and ministry positions. The pastors of churches are privately doing witchcraft and they know it, it’s not a thing of ignorance. They’re doing it deliberately and some of them are not even Christians and yet they can walk the walk and talk the talk and fake it and pretend to be a Christian and they are leading a church as a pastor. If you do six things bad and four things good, your six out of 10 bad and the four things are permitted, even though they serve God, because it’s camouflage. The perhaps man-made or formerly useful institution of church buildings where people attend a service every Sunday or Wednesday or Saturday or Monday or Tuesday or Thursday is pretty much over. People have been escaping out of those groupings, because all the true Christians just get persecuted and abused and the people who are worldly and fake and secular and prideful and narcissistic and abusive are the only ones who are able to fake it or domineer their way through it, or people who are in some kind of transitionary state. But the vast Majority of heartfelt Christians are just not going to church anymore, because of the sword of the abuser. Bullying in the church. The people who stay in the church are the ones doing the bullying and they are the ones who claim that the Holy Spirit and a blessing are still there and all of you are bad for not going to church! Well that’s exactly what the bullies would say. There is the Sadducee spirit of worldly disbelieving secularism, and there is the Pharisee spirit of external religion and abuse, and there is the Herodian spirit of leftist politics, but there is no Holy Spirit. There’s only spiritual religion from the principality of Christianity… The satanic principality of counterfeit Christianity. That’s what’s going on in the church buildings. True Christians are listening to pastors on the Internet who don’t need an expensive million billion dollar church building that we must pay off the mortgage with tithing for God, Where instead of giving to God because we want to, we are guilt tripped by a pastor to give more money because he mortgaged everything to buy an expensive building we didn’t need. You’ve made it about this church building and not about God. And worst of all, the clicks and the abuse and bullying and the persecution. The persecution of Christians is being carried out by other so-called “Christians” and they are doing it within the framework and auspice is of Christian ministries and Christian communities. That’s why true Christians are like David going out into the middle of the field to run away from everybody else because the People you have to be the most scared of are other xians! Jeremiah prophesied this when he said that the pastors are going to cry out in dismay because of the destruction of their pasture, the police that they passed or over their church, because of the sword of the abuser. They have not been doing church discipline to punish the abusers and if they did do church discipline they would start punishing the victims and protecting and serving the bullies! Because that’s how it goes in Christian ministries. They would rather brutalize victims to tell you to keep quiet and don’t tell anyone that you got abused in a Christian context, and they will cuddle and befriend the bully and allow them to bully more people in The Christian community, because the bully probably has the ability to literally sue you in court because they are litigious whereas good people are not litigious and usually don’t know how to see each other. So the Christians are scared of the police and give them favoritism and benefit and favor so that they don’t sue the church, but they will viciously brutalize the people who say anything about the bully and who get victimized by the bully and who get brought into a Jezebel set up or getting framed by the Jezebel for something that isn’t real, and then the pastor comes To reject the victim because they just want to suppress or hurt the victim for the bully or out of difference to the bully, or because they believe the lies of the bully or because you were framed or set up. There’s a lot of abuse and psychological demonic stuff going on in the church and it’s not being fixed so people just aren’t going to church anymore. We can get the Holy Spirit and the word of God on the Internet and in the Bible. You think that we have to join together with you? Oh I surely will meet together with a fellow Christian but I’m not gonna meet together with you because you’re not the fellow Christian that I need to meet with! The bullies who still hang out in the church will tell you that you’re a bad person and a horrible Christian and have no spiritual life because you’re not hanging out with them and they’re killing field call the church. No I don’t wanna hang out in your bully den with the snakes and scorpions and the alligators and the Lions and the Tigers. I’m not gonna put God to the test by jumping into the Lions den with you hoping that God will shut your mouth! It would take a miracle to shut your mouth! 

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