JUAN O SAVIN-Child Trafficking, The Attack on America- 5 27 2021

2 years ago

Prepare for Change asks the right questions. For the First HOUR: Juan has done the research and seen it happening all over the World. This is a "Full Court Press" on our Childrens lives. Most Americans don't grasp the magnitude of the PROBLEM. Listen to the way Juan explains this. Child Trafficking is ongoing in every city in this Country and every Country in the World. God will act. And YOU and everyone that wants to live in the NEW ERA must help. How? Listen to this program and look into what you have right around you. Much of this is also on the Dark Web. Where no one knows or goes. And CPS is another Governmental Institution used as a way to get a hold of these damaged kids and use them as not only Cash cows but as an income stream for the Deep State. It is all Mutual Self Promotion. Canada is a major trafficking center and Mexico with their Gangs and Cartels. IF YOU WILL NOT PROTECT THE INNOCENT.. why are YOU asking for BLESSINGS? Will you step forward? To Protect those that are INNOCENT? In the BIBLE it is stated. Look at it again. And make room in your life to focus on our Children and not on our Culture.. and the changes we are seeing right in front of us, should be NUMBER ONE.. SAVING OUR CHILDREN. THIS IS A CRISIS Of Magnitude.

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