Carl Jung: The Religion of Totalitarianism

2 years ago

Totalitarianism is a religion that never achieves what it promises. It creates a Hell on Earth in which many are sacrificed to the god of the state, but none are delivered into the Brave New World that they were promised. The more power the state is granted, the more corrupt become the individuals who operate the state machinery and the more the world descends into chaos.
Totalitarianism must be avoided at all costs, but sadly this religion is seeing a modern-day revival. Politicians and others in positions of global power are vocal about their desire to re-make, re-build or re-set the world and the masses are expected to obey and to love the new society that is being forced upon them. If obedience does not come voluntarily, then force is being used with an alarming frequency.
They unelected elite of the world want to be our shepherds. But that requires us to be their sheep. In these times of tyranny we each must face what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn called the "land of smothered opportunities," or we can resist.
In the mid 20th century we watched the religion of totalitarianism sweep across Europe, a universal fatality against whose compelling sway the individual seemed powerless to defend. However, this collectivist phenomenon is actually the fault of the individual, for nations are made up of individuals. Therefore the individual must consider by what means he can counter the evil he faces.
What are some tactics we can use to counter the growing evil of Totalitarianism? We can stop allowing our children to be indoctrinated with Totalitarian ideas. We can ostracize people who blindly obey the immoral commands of the state, for ostracism is one of the most powerful means of social influence. We can mock and ridicule the so-called "priestly" class of politicians and bureaucrats and point out their hypocrisy and the absurdity of their propaganda and lies. We can create and support technology, art, memes, videos, books, merchandise or music that informs, inspires, and spreads the message of freedom. Or, we can help build and participate in the "counter economy," which consists of all voluntary exchange that is conducted outside the controlling eyes of the Totalitarian State.
Simply put, we can strive to live as freely as possible in the recognition that while we singlehandedly cannot liberate the world, our own personal liberation creates ripples in society and serves as a powerful example for others.

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