Karen Hamaker-Zondag - Astrology, Jungian psychology, Technocratic society - Dec. 20, 2021

2 years ago

Drs. Karen Hamaker-Zondag is an internationally renowned speaker in the field of astrology and Jungian psychology. Karen has written more than 30 books and writes articles and columns for various magazines. She received the prestigious Regulus Award for her work in the field of astrology education.

“Zbigniew BrzeziƄski's book Between Two Ages explains the world will develop towards a Technological Marxist society with a One World Government as final stage.”
“David Rockefeller loved the book and they initiate the Trilateral Commission to implement this One World Government.”

“Technocrats see human beings as Dogs of Pavlov”

“For 2,500 years (Plato and Aristotle) there is a polarity between matter and spirit, in this time those who dive deep into matter arrive at the quantum level and conclude that there is metaphysics in science.” (The books The Tao of Physics and Dancing Wu Li Masters) “We can not go on with a society holding a paradigm that keeps matter and spirit separate, it's going to come together in this time, this is the birth of the merging between Feminine and Masculine, between spirit and matter.”
“We have to shift to a holistic approach.”



website Karen Hamaker-Zondag:

Trilateral Commission:

The importance of Jungian shadow work:

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