Fort Bragg Crisis: What Is Killing So Many Soldiers On American Soil? | Seth Harp #MarjorityReport

2 years ago

Rolling Stone's Seth Harp joins the program to discuss an epidemic of drug overdoses on Fort Bragg. Bragg is one of America's most important military bases and is home to its Joint Special Operations Command. Yet over a hundred soldiers have died there over the past year and Seth found out why.

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Image Credit, Ssgtjeffrey Allen, USAF
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We are back and we are joined now by Seth Harp investigative reporter and contributing editor at Rolling Stone. Whose piece on Fort Bragg is like really just a must-read for everybody. Seth thanks so much for being here today. great to be here thanks for having me. So you begin your piece by setting the scene of two men who were killed by gunshots outside of Fort Bragg. And I mean the numbers are just startling in terms of how many deaths have piled up since the beginning of 2020. What led you to look into this? and what I guess takes us to the beginning of your piece where you initially set that scene. yeah, it was that double murder that you just referred to that initially brought me to this story of more Bragg the larger story of Fort Bragg. the murderer Billy Levine and Timothy Dumas. that actually happened in December 2020. Last time I came on the old show I talked a bit about that. and some other murders that seem to be linked to drug trafficking by elite soldiers at Fort Bragg. and at that time I mentioned that there had been a large number of deaths for Fort Bragg soldiers in general. so aside from the murders, there have been at least 44 deaths at Fort Bragg among soldiers that year in 2020. And I told you all about how I was trying to figure out exactly what was going on there and what was behind such a high body count. Now come to find out here almost a full year later with the latest piece the total number of soldiers that have died before bragging over two years from 2020 to 2021 was 109. 105 of those occurred Stateside. whereas only four of them took place in overseas combat operations. and the latest piece I wrote ruins don't really focus on one of the major leading causes of death there which is accidental drone overdoses. which is pretty obviously linked to you know the prior topic which is you know a lot of the drug crime that was going on the Fort Bragg.

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