Anneke Was A Victim Of Satanic Ritual Abuse By The Belgian Elite, This Is Her Story

2 years ago

She said she was introduced to the network by a cleaning lady who worked for her mother. “Later, my mother took me to the pedophiles,” Anneke told the British newspaper. “My mother was never really a mother. She was very sick and a psychopath.” Around her sixth birthday, Anneke had to participate in an orgy for the first time, in a castle. She was used on a SM show, chained up and forced to eat human feces. “After that they left me like a broken object,” she said. “I felt so humiliated.” The children were forced to keep their mouths shut, Anneke previously wrote for Global Citizen. Children who were seen as a threat were killed. “Children were killed by powerful men,” she said. “Boys were tortured more often, but girls were killed.”

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