Futer Things: The Tribulation - Part 2

2 years ago

Immediately following the rapture of the church there will be a time of unprecedented world change. The world will be on a seven year social, political, economic, and religious roller coaster ride.

The self-proclaimed conductor of this ride will be the anti-Christ. He will introduce himself as a man of peace but in reality he will be a
man of war. Other than a brief time of peace, the tribulation will be a time of conflict and war.
Additionally, the wrath of God will be poured out on a blaspheming humanity. There will be devastating signs and wonders culminating in the death of hundreds of millions of people. Biblical writers declare that if the time of tribulation went any longer than the seven years all would be destroyed.

In the next few minutes, in over view fashion, we will make some observations and interpretations of key events occurring during the tribulation. These key events will be presented chronologically following an outline of preparation, peace, and persecution. Most importantly, we will conclude today’s message with some relevant applications to our lives.

Pastor Jeff Nyberg, Ph.D.

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