2022_10_16_AM_Claim Your Anointing .. and let God Provide the Miracle

2 years ago

Joshua 3:1 through 4:3 provides an example that applies today. Joshua is anointed to lead his people across the Jordan, as Moses is not to enter the Promised Land. He is to place his trust in the LORD, and no man - not even Moses.

Whether preaching His voice, healing the sick, ministering to the lost, crossing into the unknown, or saving the game with only seconds left [Pastor Mike is a Vols and NASCAR fan], Have the COURAGE to claim His anointing for the task at hand, and the LORD will provide whatever resources or miracles may be needed. The battle and mission are His.

No matter how daunting or perilous: you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you (Philippians 4:13) .. if you believe, trust, and obey. God will work for and through you. Submit to His Will, and be His vessel of blessing.

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