Coronavirus Panic

1 year ago

The world is now dealing with a crisis which each nation is trying to solve it by itself. A large segment of the population in the United States is gripped with fear and this is manifested by the panic buying that is occurring. As unlikely as it may seem, people have decided to stock up on toilet paper and paper towels and stores are struggling to keep up with the demand.

Each shipment the stores receive is cleaned out within a few hours. Toilet paper and paper towels have no correlation to the Coronavirus and I am at loss over this logic. There is also mass purchasing of food, medical supplies, and bottled water, leaving many stores with empty shelves.

Every nation has an intelligence service and they are responsible for the disinformation that is released. These departments are usually large, since a nation can perform covert warfare by releasing false information. When teamed up with the mainstream media, this is the fake news that has been utilized against President Trump.

Billionaires like George Soros are using their fortunes to discredit and derail Donald Trump in an effort to defeat his nationalist agenda of putting America first. In 2016, Hillary Clinton hired Perkins Coie LLP, an international law firm headquartered in Seattle, Washington. They represent the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democratic Leadership Council, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Other political clients include nearly all Democratic members of the United States Congress and the presidential campaigns of John Kerry and Barack Obama.

The DNC and Clinton wanted to find something scandalous on Donald Trump that could be used to smear and destroy his presidential aspirations. They did not want to do it directly in order to deny involvement. Perkins Coie was used to hire a political company called Fusion GPS, which is listed as a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm.

Fusion GPS in turn hired Christopher Steele, a former British MI-6 agent turned private British corporate intelligence investigator, to contact Russian sources and acquire something scandalous on Trump. The Russian sources turned out to be the FSB, the intelligence service of Russia. Once the FSB figured out the sort of information Christopher Steele was seeking, they supplied him with a 35 page dossier of memos from unknown Russian sources alleging that Donald Trump and his campaign staff had been working with the Russians for help in the 2016 presidential election process. The fabled dossier was never verified and contained only rumors.

Fusion GPS turned over the FSB generated dossier to Marc Elias, an election attorney working for Perkins Coie. A copy was turned over to Senator John McCain, who felt that it was his duty to turn over the dossier to the FBI. David Corn, a reporter with Mother Jones, was also supplied with a copy of the dossier. Jones also turned in his copy to the FBI.

The director for the FBI at this time was James Comey. Even though he knew the dossier was not verified and basically consisted of rumors, Comey filed an application with the FISA court in Washington D.C. to legally spy on certain people in the Trump organization. It was also used to launch the Muller investigation to determine if Trump had colluded with the Russians to win the election.

The much anticipated Muller report was finally released on April 18, 2019 which exonerated President Trump and his team of any conspiracy with the Russians. The report came with a hefty price tag of 32 million dollars.

When I began to research Biblical prophecy and political events in 1975, I encountered a number of “ministers” who claimed to set the record straight and present a new truth. Time would reveal them to be agents of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and/or occult organizations to sow discord and confusion among Christians. I want to share my personal encounter with such people.
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From the Desk of John Torell
March 15, 2020

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