Wow!!! We assumed it was bad.. but not this bad..

2 years ago

Every single person of color .:. Aka.. Americans, Or African Americans if that’s more acceptable. Should be mad af… I’m mad for you/ {US}. These people are sociopaths. Who have exploited black people, or even (targeted) our fellow citizens, with different skin tones.. In order to make so much f’ing money. To NOT put back into our communities, children, education… nothing.

And now they are stealing our children. To be future victims, or assailants. It is absolutely appalling, what they have gotten away with.
In the name of “justice”…. Smfh.
Link to where video was found below ⬇️

Since I am sure this is a “bootleg”… which most of us are guilty of. I want to add the link to Candace Owens website. Located below ⬇️

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