Chapter 14 Part A, On The Edge Of Darkness

2 years ago

This episode had to be split into 2 parts when redoing the editing.

SEASON 2 HAS ARRIVED! Sorry for the long delay. In this first episode of the new season, the hunters are called to help after a natural disaster hits an island with a long history of zombies…

Appearing in this episode:
William Morton as the Narrator
El’Kahn Thompson as Jason Parks
Greg Tyrrell as Jack Hudson
Chris Saint as Marcus Abrahms
Clifford Johnson as Alex Evans
Ryan Reagan as Wade Thompkins
Matt Shivers as Paul Adams
David Cervera as the Soldiers
Amy Baker as Dr Laura Burns
“Indiana” Jim Perry as Col. Percy Hamilton
John Wilkerson as Mr. Daniels

On The Edge Of Darkness by Chris Saint is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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