Heaven Land Devotions - Friend Go Up Higher...

2 years ago

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When Jesus was alive on earth everything He did and said went against the course and grain of this world. He came from the highest of heavens to the lowliest of people.

His Gospel message was hard for the self-exalted religious sector. They remained spiritually blind, deaf, dumb, lame and maimed. His words were not able to be grasped by those who sat in high places in the temple. Yet, "the common people heard Him gladly."

In this world Jesus taught us that the lowest places are the highest spiritual places in Him and His Father. And that the highest places of this world were only Satan's high places that come with a terrible price to pay. Jesus is always calling us to go up higher, but the way there is in the lowest rooms.

And in the lowest places we look up to the Most High God who sits in the heights of the Heavenly Mount Zion on His throne in the sides of the north. From the highest of the high He rules in the lowest of the low.

"Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off." It is very clear. Jesus will not regard a person that is proud and only sees them far away from Him. He has no respect for them.

The lowly receive His pure loving grace, and wisdom is with them. The humble in spirit dwell with the lowly and divide the glorious spoil.

The lowly are followers of Jesus Christ who deeply love Him. They learn of Him that He is meek and lowly in heart. They become like Him in heart by His Holy Spirit. They take on His life. That is where the beautiful lowly people find rest in their hearts in Jesus Christ and are comforted. "The last shall be first."

“The life of faith is not a life of mounting up with wings, but a life of walking and not fainting.” ― Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest: Selections for the Year

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