The Political Lynching of Judge Brett Kavanaugh

2 years ago

On July 9, 2018 at the White House, President Donald Trump officially nominated federal judge Brett Kavanaugh to become the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Standing beside him was his wife, Ashley, and their two daughters, Liza and Margaret. The whole family looked happy as they smiled for the cameras. They were blissfully unaware of the ordeal that lay before them and how Judge Kavanaugh would walk into a political assassination devised and carried out by democratic senators Charles Schumer and Dianne Feinstein.

When associate justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement on June 21, 2018, democratic leaders announced they would vote against whomever President Trump nominated. Contrary to the idea of tolerance they like to champion so much, that doesn’t sound open minded. In fact, liberals will readily admit that they just want it their way and will use whatever means to achieve their goal of opposing anyone nominated by Trump.

It is interesting to note that President Trump, unlike Barack Obama, has an excellent relationship with Israel and recently moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. One would think that Schumer and Feinstein who are both Jewish would be supportive of Trump’s action, a move that Jews have been waiting for more than 50 years. The ugly truth is that the American Jewish leadership favors the Palestinians more than the Jews in Israel. Senator Bernie Sanders is an American Jew who is a hardcore socialist, does not support Israel, and regularly defends the Palestinians.

By all accounts Brett Kavanaugh has had an impeccable record and there was nothing the democrats could use from his professional career. He worked as a clerk for federal judge Ken Starr, who served as the prosecutor in the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. Later he worked for George W. Bush as a White House staff secretary and was a central figure in its efforts to identify and confirm judicial nominees.

Dr. Blasey-Ford has been married to Russell Ford since 2002. They met at Stanford University and have two children. Russell Ford is the “Senior Director” at Zosano Pharma, which exclusively specializes in “mind altering” drugs. The CIA uses such drugs in their clandestine operations and also for mind control projects and ties her husband in with the CIA.

Russell Ford recently deleted his Facebook account and removed his name from Zosano Pharma’s website. He deals with mind altering drugs and Christine is a CIA internship recruiter at Stanford for the MK-Ultra mind control project. They are heavily involved in the intelligence community and this has influenced their mindset.

Christine’s father, Ralph G. Blasey Jr. was employed by the CIA as an agent in the 1960s and has since retired. His specialty was to work on projects paid with “black budget money.” As an agent, he worked closely with former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI directors Robert Mueller and James Comey. He has also worked with Susan Rice, Barack Obama’s U.N. ambassador, who covered up the administration blunders in Benghazi, Libya and other places.

Ralph Blasey Jr. is currently working for a security corporation whose Admiral Security Services provides armed security for “Deep State” elites in Washington D.C., overseen by Red Coats, Inc.

Christine Blasey-Ford has a brother named Ralph Blasey III, who works for a company that is linked to the corporation Fusion GPS. This is a private intelligence service for hire that the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton used during the 2016 election. Fusion GPS utilized the services of former MI-6 spy Christopher Steele to produce a dossier that would accuse Donald Trump of having collaborated with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton. Steele had been the director of the Russian Desk for the British Intelligence Service MI-6.

The resulting dossier contains allegations of misconduct and conspiracy between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the government of Russia during the 2016 election, with campaign members and Russian operatives allegedly colluding to interfere in the election to benefit Trump. It also alleged that Russia sought to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, including sharing negative information about Clinton with the Trump campaign.

Is it a coincidence or a fluke that Christine Blasey-Ford is on the payroll of the CIA, her father is a retired CIA agent that is currently in charge of a private security company that offers private security for important persons in Washington D.C. and a brother that works for a company linked with Fusion GPS? I am more likely to believe in the legend of Bigfoot than to believe this is sheer luck.

I recorded a video about these topics on September 30, 2018 and wrote this article a few days later. The FBI has concluded their most recent investigation and found a number of mistakes in the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh. The Democrats aren’t interested in finding the truth. They just want to destroy a good man and think he should withdraw his nomination even if the FBI finds the charges to have no merit.

The senate confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh is not about truth since it threatens the agenda of the globalists. If nothing else, this baseless attack on a good man should rally every decent American to go out and vote in November and make sure the Democratic candidates lose. Keep the Trump revolution going! The choice is yours: freedom or slavery!
From The Desk of John Torell
September 30, 2018
Read the complete version here:

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