What is our Military Readiness really these days?

2 years ago

The combined forces of the US military are by far the best trained, best equipped fighting force on earth, at least they were. 😱

As if the woke mentality was not enough for our soldiers to deal with, we are losing many thousands of highly trained military personnel to COVID vaccine mandates, all while missing recruiting goals for the first time in decades. 😨

Because of these insane mandates, the United States Air Force is set to lose over 700 highly trained, hard to replace fighter pilots, Navy Seals, Special Forces, not to mention the tens of thousands of Marines, Army, Navy and Coast Guard personnel we are losing. 😡

All of this is happening while our enemy China is building a massive military force.⚡

I served in the military and I know there are many orders and directives a soldier is required to follow, however being forced to take a drug, an experimental drug by the way, should not be one of them.

Dr. Robert Malone who invented the MRNA procedure used to develop the COVID vaccines has stated multiple times, on several platforms that these vaccines are dangerous and should be pulled immediately.

One can tell when the powers that be are feeling cornered, everywhere you look online, they try to paint this celebrated scientist as an (anti-vaccine mad scientist). What they do not tell you is that 16,000 other scientists agree with Dr. Malone. But don’t believe me, read it yourself!


Washington is broken. Here at Convention of States we have the solution as big as the problem.

An Article V Convention of States is called and controlled by the states and has the power to PROPOSE constitutional amendments.

These are our three, simple talking points.
1. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government (including the president)
2. Limit the terms of office for federal officials
3. Limit the ability of Congress and the president to spend and waste our hard-earned money

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