A Vision About World War lll

2 years ago

A 90 year old woman from a Lutheran Church in Valdres, Norway received a vision from God in the 1960’s. Emanuel Minos, a Norwegian Pentecostal evangelist, held revival meetings where this woman lived in 1968. She came to one of his meetings and told him what she had seen and Minos wrote it down. The woman from Valdres was known for being alert, reliable and a credible Christian with a good reputation.

After the revival meetings closed down, Minos returned to his home and shared the vision he had written down with his wife. Both felt that the vision was so far-fetched and difficult to believe that they did not want to publish it.

In 1993, twenty five years later, Minos was going through old files, when he found some papers that had become yellow with age. To his astonishment, he found the forgotten notes he had written in 1968 when the 90 year old woman shared the vision with him. After reading through the notes, he became terrified since he realized that many of the details had indeed been fulfilled. He remembered that the woman had asked him to warn people because the end times was approaching. Minos also remembered that he had argued with the woman about certain points in the vision and she forcefully had told him the vision was true and that Minos would live to see it fulfilled in his lifetime. After having reviewed his notes and thinking about what the woman had said, he made the decision to publish the vision, including his initial hesitation to publish it in 1968.

I did not learn of this prophecy until September of 2014 when I read it in the Swedish magazine, “Midnattsropet.” This vision deeply impacted me and created a desire to learn as much as I could about the background of the people involved. I contacted Stina Fridolfsson, who is on the editorial board of the magazine. She told me that the vision had been published in a Christian Swedish magazine in Finland by the name of “Korsets Budskap” in November of 1998 and that her sister-in-law in Finland had sent a copy of the magazine to her.

After I had talked to Fridolfsson, I found Minos’ Wikipedia page and was able to verify that the vision had indeed been told to him and that he believed it to be true.

I was ready to sit down and translate the vision into English when I found that it already had been translated. I compared the English translation with the Swedish version sent to me by Stina Fridolfsson and it is accurate.
Read the rest here: https://eaec.org/desk/09-17-2014.pdf

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