DESTROYING Diamond Elo with NEW Night Harvester Twisted Fate Build

2 years ago

Every Yu-gi-oh fan will remember Kazuki Takahashi's legacy, rest in paradise legend 🕊️

hi im yugi, a twisted fate otp that plays a lil' chess

I am terribly sorry for the 10 month delay since my last video, life has hit me hard recently, which has impacted my ability to consistently play / make content. Recently, I switched from the usual Electrocute TF setup to Arcane Comet + Night Harvester. It has garnered me great results as I was able to hit my new all-time peak of Diamond 1 😄

Side-note: The GM title in my name is not meant to signify my level of skill in chess (I wish I was that good 😂), it simply represents the fact that I like playing it in-between league games and/or as a hobby. Shout-out to Hikaru for inspiring me to play again.



All credit goes to Qumu for the BGM (YT:
Outro: Atem Returns OST by SSJ3K OFFICIALZ

#LeagueOfLegends #LoL #TwistedFate #TF #NightHarvester

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