Holding Back the Antichrist

2 years ago

I am sure that you have heard the old tale that if you put a frog in cold water and slowly heat the water, the frog will not take notice and will die from the boiling water. Just a few days ago I was jolted when I read that the latest fad in Christian circles is to merge Christianity with Islam. The churches and people who are pushing this latest agenda on the destruction of the Christian churches have given a new name to their invention, “Chrislam.” It is clear that someone is heating up the water and we will soon get to the boiling point so it is time to jump out of the water and turn off the heat.

We have been in a down spiral for some time with Protestant churches carrying on a dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy; this movement is growing the fastest in Sweden where denominations for the last ten years have been speaking with Rome on how to proceed in merging the Swedish Protestant churches with the Roman Catholic Church.

Spearheading this movement is are well known Swedish pastors, Ulf Ekman, from Livets Ord and Sten-Gunnar Hedin, who was the pastor for the Philadelphia Church in Stockholm. Together with his sidekicks, Pentecostal pastors Pelle Hornmark, Owe Lindeskar and Niklas Piensoho, this group has opened up Sweden for the Roman Catholicism. Sten-Gunnar Hedin and the Swedish Catholic Bishop Anders Arborelius have co-authored two books, “The Jesus Manifest,” in 2003 and, “God Here and Now,” in 2008.

It is sad to see many of the monasteries that where closed after the Lutheran reformation in the 16th century are re-opening and full of monks and nuns.

The founder of the Swedish Pentecostal movement, Levi Petrus, used to thunder in his sermons against the Roman Catholic Church and called her the Great Whore. The current generation of Pentecostal’s in Sweden along with Baptist’s and Mission Covenant Churches have also joined the Great Whore.

It is important to note that the Assemblies of God Churches in the United States have had a standing committee since 1988 that is in constant dialogue with the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Rome and they are cooperating on the mission field in countries that have a large Catholic church and are also talking about a future merger with the Catholic Church.
Read the Rest: https://eaec.org/desk/07-08-2011.pdf
John S. Torell - July 8, 2011

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