How Meditation Effects your Brain

2 years ago

Neuroscience & Spirituality.
Buddhism follows the teachings of Siddartha Gautama a man slash enlightened one slash ancient psychologist with a really cool man bun. You see at one point Lord Buddha was so messed up in the head, that he couldn’t even wait two thousand years for modern psychiatry to develop really good drugs for him to drown his depression. You know what he did? He went ahead and invented his own psychology. Buddha came up with a religion not of mythology but methodology. Did you like that one? Pretty good right?
Science is now showing that Buddhas strategies for life and living are so profound that even those who adopt their practices 2 thousand years later can clinically and scientifically fuck shit up with their brains….You’re all clear bro! You got to level 9 Thetan level and you don’t even have to Scientology that pony and yes, you can use this method to achieve enlightenment.
In fact sciences of Neurology are uncovering the secrets of why Buddhas method is so effective with a litany of other claims now being proven effective. Claims such as slowing the aging process, lowering anxiety, managing pain, beating depression, Metabolic stabilization, balancing the micro biome, ending bowel issues and the list goes thats, (Say this with a commercial voice) and much much more!!!

In this online church service I will reveal to you the revelations that modern science has discovered about Buddhism and we’ll take a look at Neuroscience to effectively crack open the mind of the enlightened Buddha to reveal its delicious chocolatey center. Are you ready? Make your holy sacrament to the YouTube algorithm in the form of likes and subscribes. All hail the Machine.

Neuroscience & Spirituality

I've got to throw it down for my homies. All the excellent artists who made this video possible are here:
Giving special Credits to Creative Commons artists and their sound effects:

Original Creators:

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