7 Signs That You Hate Yourself & How To Stop!

2 years ago

In this video, we will be discussing the signs that you may hate yourself and the steps you can take to stop.

It is important to note that self-hate is not a mental illness. It is a feeling of contempt, dislike or animosity towards oneself. This can lead to an individual feeling a lack of self-worth and having low self-esteem.

This video will cover:

1) What does it mean to hate yourself?

2) Signs that you may hate yourself

3) How to stop hating yourself

Hating ourselves is a complicated process, often compounded by the feelings of guilt and fear. For those people who are already constantly battling with depression or anxiety, these feelings can feel unbearable. So what are the signs that you may hate yourself?

.Constantly shame someone for their looks and/or mental state.

.Screen out compliments

.Express a longing to be transformed mentally or physically

.Pave your insecurities on social media

.Be very hard on yourself internally

.Experience high levels of self harm behaviors like taking too many risks without a thought to consequences

.Deny getting help just because it’s difficult to admit you need it.

These things can’t define our lives as long as we don’t let them!

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