The Third Testament... A Presumption for most Christians? ❤️ An Introduction

2 years ago

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The Title 'The Third Testament'... A presumption for most Christians?


Irrespective of the confession or faith professed, the majority of Christians will consider the title of this work, „The Third Testament” as presumptuous, since with it, this work of recent revelation is placed upon an equal footing with the Old and New Testaments of the Bible as known to them, and which, regarded as Sacred Scripture and the foundation of their faith, they consider to be completed, and not subject to any continuation or amplification whatsoever.

Nonetheless, the true scholar of the Bible will know that this traditional position has no basis in the classic teachings of Jesus as transmitted to us through the Gospels of the New Testament. Quite the contrary. In His last preachings before departing, Jesus on numerous occasions referred to His Second Coming, and in that regard He made allusion to „The Spirit of Truth,” to „The Comforting Spirit,” and to the „Holy Spirit,” which would later „introduce you to the truth.” (John 14, 26)

This introduction offers the believing Christian, and to all other interested readers of this book, a truthful understanding of its creation, in what way, and under what exterior circumstances the promise of Jesus concerning his Second Coming has been made real, since, in spite of the affirmations on that subject which are found in the contents of the revelations themselves, unanswered questions may remain and might engender doubts or false conjectures. This introduction tries, therefore, to facilitate the understanding of that which The Holy Spirit, in a new revelation, has bequeathed to mankind in his Third Testament.

As each reader of this new Word of God can prove to himself, it irradiates full authority, wisdom, and love. It is the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus to return, „in a cloud” (Luke 21:27), which, expressed in the symbolic language of the Spirit, means: in spiritual form. It is therefore that this Third Testament of God, as a thematically ordered summary of the Divine revelations made in Mexico, constitutes a true witness to The Second Coming of Christ „in The Spirit;” it is his message and current teaching for humanity, in the form of a compendium, selected from the original 12 volumes of His teachings.

This word is intended to be for man a guiding aid, and lead him to a better and more complete understanding of God, of himself, and of the meaning of his existence in this world; and of the events which occur in his personal life, as well as the happenings and transformations which necessarily accompany the beginning of the „Era of the Holy Spirit.” It is to this time that the medieval bishop, Joaquin de Fiore, and various others who succeeded him referred. It is the coming Reign of the Peace of Christ on earth, which from the time of the Prophets has been promised to mankind.

With the second spiritual coming of Christ in His Word, this Era of the Spirit and of Spirituality for mankind has already begun, and Christ, with his new message of love, has shown us the way that leads us to it.

Contrary to all the expectations of Christians, the principal event of the Second Coming of Christ waits not in the future, but has already occurred. In the period of time between 1866 and 1950, it was fulfilled in silence, unseen and unknown to „the greater world” and the Christians. Not in the center of western Christianity, in Rome, nor in the center of the Orthodox faith, Mount Athos, not even, as was expected by many, in ancient Judeo - Christian Jerusalem, or in any of the theological or philosophical centers of Protestantism, but in a country of the so called Third World – in Mexico.


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