(DRAGONS)The ALIEN RACES BOOK: 2nd edition - episode 1 (PROLOGUE ONLY) B4 watching read below please

2 years ago

This is a LONG BUT NECESSARY PROLOGUE to the ARB:2nd edition.
The NEXT video/episode-1 will be much shorter and will ONLY be about one ALIEN RACE.
I apologize to the one's watching this PROLOGUE in case you already are aware of this INFORMATION, but...you are not the only one's on here. NEW PEOPLE join us every day and they are YEARS behind YOU concerning our INFORMATION.
And...everybody COUNTS !
Specially regarding FUTURE (72) CONTACTS TO SERVE the CAUSE.
To some of you the INFORMATION presented on this episode may be "OLD/KNOWN", but to many will be FRESH.
Just REMEMBER: "THIS" is NOT about YOU or even ME.
It is about the FUTURE of the HUMAN KIND and THE CAUSE.
So skip or enjoy, but...be AWARE of it.

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