What’s not as sexy as most people seem to think it is? #sexy #relationship #sex #romance

1 year ago

What’s not as sexy as most people seem to think it is?
Taking off glasses. Glasses are cute but also sight is fairly cute
Ads on porn websites
Exaggerated porn star noises. Most ~~woman~~ women don’t sound like that.
Super long fingernails. They just don’t sit right with me
Sex on the beach. (Not the drink.)
Food play. That chocolate sauce may seem like a good idea but really it’s just messy.
Stripping. Used to be a stripper and if anyone knew even a fraction of what went into it then no one would go to a club ever again.
Baby talking
Might as well throw in my two cents. As someone who teaches high school for a living, I find the fetishization of teacher/student relationships to be utterly gag-inducing.
According to my ex, reverse cowgirl. We did it one time. She just complained that my legs and feet were hairier than she’d ever noticed and couldn’t see my face. Definitely a position for the guy’s benefit.
The pictures of their junk some guys send to women.
Sex in public bathroom stalls. Most are disgusting, and the thrill of being caught gets ruined when the person with explosive diarrhea in the next stall enjoys the peep show.
I've scrolled a lot but still haven't seen anyone mention loud trucks. The guys with loud trucks sure think it's sexy. I've not met a woman that actually finds a truck's loud exhaust sexy though.
Guys bragging/talking about what they’re going to do to you & how it’ll make you feel. With guys like that 9/10 the sex is trash. It’s actually the quiet ones that will surprise you the most.
Dirty talk is SUPER cringe to me if done in the wrong way. It’s very easy to try too hard and make it awkward.
Inflated butts. They just look swollen.
Whatever the flock dumbass faces people make in porn lmao does anyone actually find those hot? They just look stupid and goofy to me.
I had an ex do the whipped cream bikini from Varsity Blues. Melted almost immediately and started to smell like spoiled milk when things began to heat up. Still feel bad she went through all that trouble for that result
sex. watch your sex tape sober, notice all the grunting and hunched over gollum shit you're both doing
Strip clubs. They are soul sucking pits of desperation.
Lip injections
Acting dumb and helpless
To all my bros out there that are still too stupid to have figured this out yet: that girl you’re flirting with online DOESN’T WANT TO SEE YOUR PENIS. For God’s sake, stop the dick pics!
Making love on a beach.
I came in here to say tentacle porn, but everyone else is listing actual good points. I am just going to go and leave now
Sloppy flirting. I’m a wedding photographer and people ask all the time, “Is it difficult to resist all those drunk women on the dance floor coming on to you at the end of the night?!” No. No it is not.
Sending dick pics, or flirting lines like "I might not be able to control myself around you." That's not sexy, it's threatening.

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