World Bank documents list COVID19 as a project that runs from April 2nd 2020-March 31st 2025

2 years ago

Page#6 of this World Bank document- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Expected Project Approval date= April 2nd 2020
Expected Project Closing date= March 31st 2025

The Agenda 2030 Genocide is set to be completed by March 31, 2025, so all of your friends that exercised their own FREE WILL to take the Depopulation Jab will most likely not survive past that END DATE. Many are dying soon after getting the jab, but sadly it looks like the BUILD, BACK, BETTER (bbb = 666) plan for the NEW WORLD ORDER/AGENDA 2030 depopulation agenda/plan is scheduled to be completed by the Satanists/Luciferians by March 31, 2025.

It is the criminal WORLD BANK working with the criminal UNITED NATIONS and the criminal WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION and all those other private non-government organizations financed$$ by the private satanic bankers and their MINIONS. Nobody elected these criminals and now they are killing us to get their NEW WORLD ORDER on schedule.

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