( -0432 ) NPC Characters - How Can We Show 'Em They Exchanged A Walk-On Part In A War (Without Tribal Reward) For A Lead Role In A Cage?

2 years ago

All The Spiritually-Lonely, Delusional NPC Characters - How Can We Tell 'Em They Exchanged A Walk-On Part In A War (No Tribal Reward) For A Lead Role In A Cage?

"What Did You Dream?"

"Its All Right, We Told You What To Dream"

A far better tribe for them is the Truth. . But only spiritually aware humans can experience a reward in that...of being uncaged....of seeing the mysterious, heavenly beauty in the Divine Creation.

Like a person without the ability to sense some vital sensation (e.g. Pain), NPC's betray Truth as their first impulse, unable 2 object 2 (or see) a Single discrepancy in what's reported.

(NPC's = 'Non-Player Characters', is political slang from gaming terminology, comparing people without awareness or the ability to respond, with non-player characters in a game (which are not volitionally controllable, but just go about their programmed tasks])

Jeff Wenner has the resources to hunt down the truth. He has the time to contemplate it. But if he does so he loses (what he thinks is) everything.

Jules Verne got tired of playing on their limited hangout teams...Because he was smart enough to realize he was caged. So can anyone, who wants the Truth, if they want it like a drowning person wants oxygen. The best cage is invisible.

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