Fellas, what's not as attractive or sexy as women think it is? #attractive #sexy #women

2 years ago

Fellas, what's not as attractive or sexy as women think it is?
Flirting or making out with my dad when trying to make me jealous.
Putting other girls down. Gross.
Playing hard to get. I WILL give up.
Calling yourself a crazy bitch
Pretending to not notice me. This trend has caught on something fierce after getting my tips frosted
Playing hard to get and then asking why you aren’t interested in them. Just flocking insane.
Acting dumb (if it is an act).
Being anything other than genuine. It's really hard to do, since we're all scared that if we let people see our true selves, they won't like us, but the truth is that the true you is the most beautiful you.
When they take a human appearance over their natural ogre appearance *looking at you, **Fiona***
Reverting to the baby voice. Widdle ole me? You got a sister that talks normal or something?
Don’t fake interest in my interests. If you don’t like football or video games just say so.
Eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
The Kardashian look. Pumped up lips and a disproportionately large butt are a huge turnoff for me. It's just not natural.
Freakishly over the top moans or saying your cock is so big. Like, I know where I stand, dont lie lol.
Not a fella, but I have no clue why people think it's attractive or cute to be jealous.
Whatever the flock girls on Instagram are doing. Giant lips mostly.
stomping my balls with high heels
I'm autistic, so if you try using subtle hints I'll assume nothing is going on, lose interest and go home.
Being a “bad bitch”. Like basically being someone who loves starting shit and having problems with other people especially other girls. Having “enemies” and acting all hard isn’t cute
Girls being toxicly controlling and overbearing. like a girl not letting her bf have any time to himself and always have to know what he's doing. And then when you try to see what she's doing she blows up in your face. Why do girls think that makes them look cute?
Those lashes that cause typhoons when they blink.
Acting entitled with service staff.
When a women tries to sit on a boner to tease you, to me it just hurts when she sits on it if its tucked away into my pants.
That fake surprise. When it seems like they're completely astonished to see you. You could just say "Hi!" instead of "What are you doing in my house?!"
Sexual harassment
Barely eating anything when we go out for food when I know they want more.
Fake nails/super long nails in general.

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