Enough Places To Hide - Robbed of your Purpose (w/Lyrics)

2 years ago

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4cxzhgPE71kEk2mVjWTiPU?si=5PGoSd-4RjOF52gCReplcw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enoughplacestohide/
AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/enough-places-to-hide/1175526250
YoutubeMusic: https://music.youtube.com/search?q=enough+places+to+hide

----- Robbed of your Purpose -----

Life [has] put it's ups and downs on your table,
It cares not about your thoughts on the matter,
It turns and it bends to reach it's ends,
And it tends to be abrupt,

And although your world isn't ending,
It very well might end,
So drink with you friends,
And make amends with the ones you truly love,

It started as a wish to grow up strong and big,
To have riches and romance,

Now, you're staring into space,
'cause you never found your place,
You're only alive on weekends,

It's a mystery of sorts,
How you never found your course,
It's so relative of course,
All depending where your source began and ended,

Since you were a child coherent thoughts lay deep inside,
"You're one of a kind," words reinforced by your mind,
A seed forgotten so deep,
The decades passed when they suddenly surfaced,
Ideas from your past,
And now it's time to fight beside the courageous,
And take what's rightfully ours before it's too late,

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