Illustrating the greater Dispensations' within the 2 "Ages" of God's Salvation Plan of this Realm

1 year ago

Mike teaches today. 10/15/22

Link to Lessons 1 and 2, and the illustration chart:

Lesson 1: Illustrating the greater Dispensations' within the 2 "Ages" of God's Salvation Plan of this Realm

Lesson 2: Illustrating the Timeline of the choice Vine' planted by God

Temporary Notes:
Illustrating the greater Dispensations' within the 2 "Ages" of God's Salvation Plan of
this Realm
(those 2 'Ages' typically set forth in Genesis 1:2b-2:3 the time of Re-Creation as 6
davs of Work; being the 6000 years of the 'Age' we now are close to closing out;.. and
1 dav of Rest; the following 'Age' of 1000 years of rest in this Realm called the
Millennium ..this great pattern of Septenary Truth is first understood from the
Word of the Psalmist 90:4 and 2Peter 3:8
"But, beloved, do not forget this one
thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years
as one day." And is then recognized throughout Scripture from Genesis to
Revelation as a critical Scriptural foundation on which man is to comprehend God's
basic time line for Restoration of all things.)
Starting from the 1st Dispensation; commonly called 'Innocence' which might better
be named; the Dispensation of Trial, beginning with Adam's Creation and
terminating with Eve's being deceived by fallen Lucifer, and then Adam following
her into transgression curse of God in judgment 'death'. It is here in sin's entrance
that God had mercifully an answer; the shedding of animal blood for the remission
of their sins (Genesis 3:21;4:4;hebs9:22) and although they were forgiven and
eternally redeemed / saved by that blood from the Lake of Fire, yet the efficacy of
that blood could not get them back into the Garden of Eden and glorious presence of
the Lord.
God not leaving them without hope of restoration, God promised that from the seed
of a woman He would bring the ultimate Son of Man Deliverer Who would be
victorious over satan and take his ruling authority away from him (gen3:15).
How long this first Dispensation was we are not specifically told, but we are told
that Seth, who took the place of Abel in the theocratic line, who Cain slew, was born
when Adam was 130 years old. Since the fall and expelling from the Garden was
before that point, even before the birth of Cain and Abel, we know the Dispensation
was less than 130 years.probably less than 100 years.
Adam and Eve then, having been expelled from the Garden, was the event that began
the 2nd Dispensation of 'Conscience' that ended with the Flood of Noah.
Calling this Dispensation that of 'Conscience' is a bit of a misnomer, in that what is
implied by the name is that there was no law or revelation of God made to man from
the expelling from the Garden to the command of God to Noah to build the Ark. That
there was revelation of God to man is testified by Enoch, the 7th from Adam, who
was a highly informed prophet of God (jude14). Who guided men's consciences. Men
have always been, then and now, answerable to their conscience.albeit his
conscience requires continual education in the knowledge of God.
Civil Government was the 3rd Dispensation. Civil Government was instruction given
by God for all Civil Governments to exercise punishment upon men commensurate
with their crimes, after Noah came out of the Ark, including capital punishment
upon all murderers (genesis9). This Dispensation lasted for 427 years up till the call
and Covenant Promises given to Abraham.

During this Dispensation Seripture reveals that God's servants made blood sacrifices
id offerings unto Him. In the day of the birth of Peleg (meaning division) the Eart
was divided into various languages and peoples Genesis 10:25 with 11:1-9, 16-19.
The fo Dispensation in the first Age 2000 years after Re-Creation is called 'Promise!
it begun with the call to Abram (acts7:1-5) and continued till the giving of the Law at
Mount Sinai.
The Old Testament record of the seven-fold covenant is documented in Genesis12:1-
3. The basis from which all prophecy then proceeds.
Paul declares in Galatians 3:17 that from the going forth of the Covenant Promises
with Abraham there was 430 years till the giving of the Law of Moses at Mount Sinai.
When one does the math it means that Israel was in Egypt for 215 years before
Moses brought them out, and a year later the Law was given.
Abraham was 75 when he came out of Ur...25 years later Isaac was born and when
he was 60 he had twin boys; Esau and Jacob. Jacob was 130 years old when he went
down into Egypt which equals 215 years for a total of 430 years.
Israel multiplied in Egypt and when God raised up Moses to deliver them from their
bondage they came out as a Nation by the strong right arm of God some 3 million
men, women and children. So it was that the Dispensation of Promise closed.
The 5th Dispensation of the Law was when God began to deal with Israel, to take
them to the Promised Land to their……..

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