Basics 25, Lordship Salvation vs Free Grace

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This will be a primer on these two positions that have been debated in evangelicalism for decades. It seems they will never see eye to eye. I will try to be fair and quote authors from both sides so that I am presenting their positions accurately. The goal is to understand each view and determine which view is correct. There are offshoot views in each of these camps, so I will only be presenting the mainline views.

I find these issues very interesting, and most others do to because it's a controversy. In the end, however, it's important because the gospel is at stake, and Paul said in Gal 1

"if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received,
he is to be accursed!"

The difference is not just semantics, two different gospels are being preached, but only one can be the gospel, for there is no other gospel, and there are those who "want to distort the gospel of Christ."

See the attached summary/handout.

Grace to you,

Attached summary:

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