Climate Change: Part 2: Mike Brakey: Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energy or All of Above?

2 years ago

Climate Change: The Truth about Climate Cycles and Needed Energy Sources

Hosted by the Cumberland County Republican Committee of Maine

For info:

Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
South Portland Community Center
21 Nelson Road, South Portland, ME 04106

Part 2:

Mike Brakey
"Fossil Fuels, Renewable Energy or All of Above?"

Brakey founded Brakey Energy in 1999 and is an engineer with expert-level understanding of energy rates and regulations.

Given the expectation of an extended cooling period, Mike Brakey will discuss ways to meet our growing energy needs by maximizing base loads using fossil fuels, biomass, nuclear and hydroelectric power, while pursuing other technologies to fill the energy gap.

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