Purpose of the New Revelation thru Jakob Lorber...Jesus explains ❤️ Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

2 years ago

Text & Audio to Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/02/22/jakob-lorber-zweck-der-neuoffenbarung-purpose-of-the-new-revelation/
Heavenly Gifts Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-reveals-thru-jakob-lorber-heavenly-gifts/
Video Playlist Heavenly Gifts... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCuU4V_yYKK0XXgi5NRCNAMH
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/jakob-lorber-pdfs/

Purpose of the New Revelation thru Jakob Lorber
August 21, 1840 - Heavenly Gifts

1. Regarding the purpose of all these disclosures, it consists thereof to show your very erudite worldly intellect, just how foolish its striving is, wanting to research something and then to pull it into the sphere of his unspeakably limited understanding. On account of the depths, greatness and sanctity of these disclosures, they will eternally remain distant and beyond his sphere of understanding, since those things will only be laid into the devout heart of the simple-minded, yes, as an embarrassing sign for the worldly wisdom, it is also given into the children's cradle, just as I can give it to the stones as well.

2. Secondly, its purpose consists also therein, to show you and the entire world the ways of My merciful love, and the course it pursues in order to set the foundation for the salvation of all beings, and how, when and why this or that happens - so that all worldly doubters will come to an end, and that all things will be seen in their primeval, truthful condition. For just as a good builder knows certainly best, why this or that must be there for his great work, in the same manner I am the only one capable of knowing, why this or that, as well as how, when, and whereby.

3. Whoever researches and ponders without My grace, he will always go astray. But whoever comes to Me and learns it from Me in his heart, he has it in the fullness of truth, and nothing will change that for all eternity.

4. And thirdly, out of all this the manifold wickedness of man of all classes and statuses shall be made clearly visible - and also understood, as to how such people on account of their blind wickedness, pull the most holy and pure stubbornly down into their carnal, worldly mud, and there they atrociously disfigure it for their damnable, selfish purposes.

5. In short, everything shall and must be disclosed before the world, so everyone knows, where they stand. Yes, the center of the earth shall be opened before the eyes of the world, like a covered meal before the guests as a strengthening nourishment. And thus, no sun shall be too far away, that it should not be dismantled into tiny parts beneath the microscope of the living faith of simplicity, even if its circumference were bigger than their greatest thought, which they are capable of thinking. - And no tiniest thread shall exist anywhere, no matter how finely it may be spun, which shall not come into the magnified light of My sun of grace! Yes, I want to form translucent heavenly bodies out of points and dismantle the central suns into unveiled points, so the world can see that in the end, I am indeed all in all.

6. Once the world will come to realize, that apart from Me, no other salvation must be sought and can be found, then peace will kiss the earth and everyone's function will be ensured, temporally and eternally, in all love for Me! Only then will the emperor truly be an anointed emperor by Me, the king a king, the duke a duke, without any damnable constitution, except for the constitution of love out of Me and the all overflowing grace. And in that place, the wolve shall be a nurse to the lamb!

7. Thereby I want to level everything, so that no 'waterfalls' and 'landslides' will ever occur again, but only the sea of My love and the streams of My grace. Everything else must be transformed into plain lands.

8. Look, all of this shall happen, so that the true church with the people becomes purified and its victory shines brighter than the light of all suns put together into one - whereby 'one shepherd and one flock' may form, whose sheep will hear My voice at all times, until the end of time - that's when all matter will be destroyed in the fire of the divine love - or, if My words of warning should fruitlessly rot in the mud of the world, it will be destroyed in the fire of My righteous wrath!

9. Look, now the time of the 'small time' has come! Whoever takes it to heart, to him great things will come in eternity. But whoever gets angry at it and doubt My Faithfulness, for him will the 'small time' soon elapse and the great time of eternal wrath will grab hold of him! - Therefore: either ... or! - As somebody wants, he may do it! - But we will always meet... Amen. This say I, the eternal love and wisdom. Amen, amen, amen!

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