October 10, 2022 🙏 Take this more seriously!... When this War begins, it's going to be Hell on Earth

1 year ago

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Take this more seriously!... When this War begins, it's going to be Hell on Earth

October 10, 2022 - Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) God bless you, dear Heartdwellers. May the Lord give us courage, stamina, and obedience. The message that I have for you today is one of the most important ones I have ever written. My dear ones, the Lord Jesus has never been more serious than He is right now. We need to pray against World War 3 and examine our conscience, deeply. And let us pray for those who are unprepared for death and do not know the Lord, for the danger is very, very real. And the Lord has told me... "This is it, this is NOT a warning, this is it."

One of the things that I am praying against is what could be done to our nation with the nuclear submarine they have, which could set off a radioactive tsunami, going 500 miles inland from the ocean and destroying the East Coast, a terrible, terrible thing. So, I am asking that something will happen to stop this, or at least partially stop it, that the bombs will not go off the way they are set to go off, they will not detonate, but I am afraid we know that New York has been slated for destruction, and I believe this is the hour when it is going to begin.

In Matthew 24, the Lord talks about a time that is unparalleled in the history of the world, and we are right on the cusp of that happening in this very moment, and I also believe the Rapture will happen very quickly afterward.

The thing that is most important right now is, that we are right with the Lord, totally in the Lord, and that we are prepared to face Him, whether it be through death or through the moment of truth that He has promised to some Christian visionaries many years ago, that there would be an event, or something would appear in the sky, and everyone in the world would see it, but also that there would be a space of time, maybe five, ten, fifteen minutes, where everything in the world would stop, even the planes flying through the air, and everyone would be shown the condition of their souls before the Lord.

It is known in some circles as a sign, it will occur suddenly, and His angels will be sent out to mark those who have repented and want to live for Him. He is bringing this to us now because it is going to happen very soon and we are not yet the spotless Bride He wants to take home in the Rapture; we are still wearing a stained wedding dress.

The previous messages talked about the judgement that is about to fall on America and the world. Jesus wants us ready to go to Heaven with Him, but we are not all ready. For those of us who really want to obey Him, He is asking to go very deep within ourselves, asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate our conscience and confess those little foxes we have been tolerating all these years, so we will not have to go through a fire when He shows us our sins. Well, Jesus began speaking...

(Jesus) “I am asking all of you to take prayer much more seriously. When this war begins, it will be the start of hell on Earth for Americans. You are not prepared. So, I am asking you for more prayer, much more prayer and preparation to have your conscience examined. Go deep, beloved ones; there are many things you are skating over. These will be a terrible embarrassment to you in the hour of your visitation. But if you handle them now, by repentance and amendment of life, it will not be so. There is very little time to dig deep into your soul and confess the things that should not be there. So, I suggest you get to work on it right away."

(Clare) He has not wasted any time with me. I have had to look at a lot of things that I have kind of been glossing over.

(Jesus) “My precious Brides, these are the little things you gloss over, things that are really important to Me and will appear as stains on your wedding gowns. They are the little foxes that you pass by and make excuses for.


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