Ways we can move from struggle to thriving in an ever changing world

2 years ago

#spirituality #natalibrown #spirittalks #spirittalkswithnatalibrown

What does it take to change and how do we deal with what comes up in the process? How can we move from struggle to thriving in an ever changing world - whether it's inside us or outside us? And what if, by embracing this change, it helps you access the very thing that you've been waiting for to move with the spiral of life and not against it?

Spirit Talks Panel Speakers:
Natali Brown - https://natalibrown.com
Jennifer Glamuzina - www.jenniferglamuzina.com
Jen Padgett - www.jennamipadgett.com
Veronica Rawlinson - https://veronicarawlinson.com
Jo Thompson - https://msha.ke/jo_thompson

Join the conversations - it's FREE: https://natalibrown.com/spirit-talks/

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