David Hume & Miracles (Part 1)- The Relevant Background Knowledge

2 years ago

In this episode, I go over the relevant background knowledge outlining David Hume’s famous (or rather infamous) argument against testimonial evidence for miracles. Furthermore, I outline world-renowned Christian philosopher Richard Swinburne’s devastating critique of Hume’s argument on this front. Finally, I provide a general outline on some background knowledge about the modern philosophical feild known as the “Epistemology of Testimony”.

In Part 2, I will provide my own in-depth evaluation/analysis, where I refute every single premise of Hume’s outdated and utterly fallacious argument- let’s just say I will conclusively demonsrate that Hume’s argument on miracles lives up to its reputation as an “abject failure”!

RSM Blog (with free scholarly sources) = https://realseekerministries.wordpress.com/2022/10/05/david-hume-miracles-parts-1-2/

YouTube Video = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jogS7ZN0his

Audio Only Link = https://anchor.fm/real-seeker-ministries/episodes/David-Hume%E2%80%93Miracles-Part-1%E2%80%93The-Relevant-Background-Knowledge-e1oqudg

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