Biohacker Implants for Gangstalking.

2 years ago

Biohacker Implants for Gangstalking used to control iPhone, Mac Laptops, iMac ect...
These Biohacker Devices are implanted in my now XGF whom I Lived with the last seven years. These devices helped Isolate me from family and friends and destroy my Intellectual Property-mostly all my own music/art/family photos/designs & Dj Club nights ect... She worked at Apple downtown SF for 10 years and was fired the she started doing social media for Bootie SF after I pleaded with her not to as it seemed all the problems started when I was asked to take care of Deidras (Bootie owner and founder Dj mashup Clubs world wide) cats Jeeves & Mitzi after becoming homeless with no place to stay. Adrienne asked (D) and D called me saying her and Nate (EN8) were leaving on a World Wide Vacation. I agreed to watch the cats and her place. Todd G. got a hold of me needing a place to stay so I said (come up here to the Condo on Gough and stay for a bit to figure shit out.) After returning from there trip Deidras hostility toward Nate made me so uncomfortable that I would leave all day return some point late at night so I wouldnt see them much. I spent the day sleeping on and off down in Civic Center on the Grass across from the Library. D and Nate had gigs in Seattle & LA frequently and she let Todd stay to keep me company and an eye on me after me being mysterious to her wondering why I disappeard all the time and knowbody knows what I am doing questions... Todd a (older bro to me) not having any siblings my self nor did he and being BF for long time to one of my (sister alethea) who helped Randy run the Cat Club after Andrea left and Tony sold it to Patrick. I DJ,d worked on and off for years at the Cat Club with Damon and Fernando, Brian (hick smokey) for Bondage A Go Go, Assimilate, Drunken Monkey, other various nights... Bootie at DNA Lounge and 1015 Folsom is where I started Vjing and did New Years in LA for Bootie. Adam Labay bumped into me one night (Ministry at The Warfield) I lived across the street at 1049 Artist Live Work Lofts. He said he was working coming out the door of the show. I laughed and said (oh yeah Adam!) he replied 'yes come with me to 1015 I am doing the Lights right now' so I said "wtf ok lets go" longer story short he remembered i talked about doung visuals before. So this was my first time actually doing visuals. He loves Cats so it was random weird cat stuff! for a bit then we bounced up to the green room (packed full of SJ & SF Hip Hop Artists) so I wall flowered myself as Adam dissapeared and This Big Dude from SJ Hip Hop Star of the night came up to me...I am forgetting his name since i am not familuar with it much but he said I was the only person he liked in there and insisted I hang with him the rest the night. So I did! he was a cool mutha fucker! bad ass at his art.

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