286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 123- Here we go again with the Sheriff

2 years ago

286 Sunshine LIVE Ep 123 - Here we go again with Sheriff #notransparencyPrendergast
What's really going on here?
It seems like almost every month during a BOCC meeting there is a fine of some sort for Core Civic not meeting contractual obligations. What exactly is this and what are the fines for?
Come give us your ideas. We will be doing some research and bring you more information.
What is really happening with Lifestream, Lutheran Services, and the hospital board? Why does the county not have a copy of the contract and what does Lutheran Services have to do with Lifestream?
Follow along as we unravel the mystery?
#SheriffPrendergast #NoTransparencySheriff #CitrusCountyFlorida #CitrusCountyBOCC #needatransparentbudget

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