Is this the THREE EYED GODDESS D*URGA from INDIA?!?!?!?! #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

Is this the THREE EYED GODDESS D*URGA from INDIA?!?!?!?!
This alien woman has THREE EYES and is more than MILLION YEARS OLD.
***It's hard to believe but read the entire post description

Proof: Apollo 20 astronauts brought back AN ALIEN woman named Mona Lisa over a million years old

Apollo 20 was REAL and was discredited using CONINTELPRO protocol...
They BROUGHT BACK one of the ALIEN WOMEN to LIFE, she was in STASIS for over a million YEARS...
So age is more than 1 million years as she survived through while in STASIS...
This few miles long mothership crash landed on moon and the pilot and crew went in stasis to survive.

Apollo 20 was a joint effort by NASA and its Soviet counterpart.
In 1971, Apollo 15 astronauts spotted the remains of a huge spacecraft. The ship was inspected a few years later by mission Apollo 20.
William Rutledge, the American astronaut and Leonov, his Soviet colleague brought one of the two ALIEN bodies back to earth.
The pilot's body, an alien female is named Mona Lisa.
She had six fingers on each hand and she was naked.
The ship crashed onto the moon over a million years ago but LEM instruments were formal, the woman was still alive.
If you don't believe this, just watch the video below.

She has been brought back to Earth and living in one of the DUMBS and helping Black Ops scientists fast track our knowledge on quantum physics and higher dimensional spirituality.

This video has been called a HOAX as part of the COINTELPRO - COunter INTELligence PROgram, which is a series of covert, illegal projects run by the FBI aiming at discrediting any secret information leaked on the internet-video or photographs... they employ a group of paid people who engage in group discussions on various platforms giving an impression of being engaged in genuine discussion ignoring the post owner in most cases and at times attacking the other post followers by discrediting them and their knowledge sometimes they ridicule them openly... in the process they discredit the entire post-video or photographs by posting or referencing similar hoax videos or photographs which their team created and hence tying in the real and authentic video and photos to those and concluding the real stuff a hoax...

What is STASIS?
Stasis is simply defined as a state of “inactive, low metabolic torpor state for mission transit phases.” It is more similar to hibernation than something more sci-fi like cryo-sleep.

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