BOOM! Senator Antic Calls Out Minister for Health Paul Kelly - Injections DON’T Stop Infection

2 years ago

BOOM! Senator Antic Calls Out Minister for Health Paul Kelly
Injections DON’T Stop Infection - Watch how he backs it up Here - Get the Word Out He Says…
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Senator Antic exposes how the Australian people have been “duped” by health officials like Professor Paul Kelly. This person is pushing for the WHO Treaty, and can’t even openly answer a simple statistic about prevention of transmission that should be top of mind for someone employed in this position.

Of course, this is because all of the officials relentlessly defending the shot know and have always known it does nothing but harm the population. This was confirmed just this week in the EU Parliament.

Antic won’t let up, and neither will we.

Contact Senator Antic in Adelaide, South Australia here:
Electorate Office
(Principal Office)
398 Main North Road
Blair Athol, SA, 5084

(08) 8359 0303

Parliament Office
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

(02) 6277 3464

Parliamentary service
Elected to the Senate for South Australia, 2019.
Committee service
Joint Standing: National Broadband Network served from 22.7.2019 to 11.4.2022; National Capital and External Territories served from 1.8.2022 to present
Joint Statutory: Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity served from 2.7.2019 to present; Law Enforcement served from 30.7.2019 to present
Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing: Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade: References served from 2.7.2019 to 2.12.2021; Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport: Legislation served from 2.7.2019 to 25.7.2022; Legal and Constitutional Affairs: References served from 1.8.2022 to present; Legal and Constitutional Affairs: Legislation served from 1.8.2022 to present
Senate Standing: Publications served from 2.7.2019 to 25.7.2022
Party positions
Vice-President of the Liberal Party (SA Branch) from 2016 to 2019.
Born 17.12.1974, Adelaide, Australia
Qualifications and occupation before entering Federal Parliament
BA (University of Adelaide).
LLB (University of Adelaide).
Solicitor from 2002 to 2019.
Local Government service
Councillor for the City of Adelaide from 2014 to 2018.


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