2 years ago

Global Food Crisis, The Supply Chain Is Breaking! Chessboards. Agenda 21-30 Chessboards. Over 65 Videos For You to Watch So That You Can See A Better Picture. Of How We Got Here and What is the Plan, They Have For Us!

As the human changes with the new technology, the old food that they ate is no longer suitable. Humans are being turned into transhumans using nano technology. Right now the food chain is breaking, one could say it is by design, to bring in the new food. They have losts of it for you as they push for us to eat bugs and cultured meat.

WELCOME TO THE FOOD CHESSBOARDS FIND ALL THESE VIDEOS ON OUR NEW PLATFORM. Videos Can also be located if you are on any of our telegram channels, just type name of video in search box. or CLICK ME ( There are many chessboards and as we work on loading up all the back up video we will be laying all the chessboards out so everyone can see the bigger picture if they have NOT already - One Love The LSNT Team

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